SCOM Upgradation

On the off chance that you don’t keep up with your Life Cycle Management process well, there is a fair opportunity that your ongoing SCOM installation is going to run out of standard help. Maybe this is now the situation. Kindly find out that if your version is still supported.


Then, at that point, assuming you figure out there’s a longing for a later rendition that is upheld once more, you will require a fair intend to play out this in a proper way. At first you want to choose if you endeavor a set up redesign or adopt the ‘slow however consistent’ strategy of a one next to the other movement. There’s a design document to be updated or created. In the event of another environment you will require new servers, databases, and individuals to unite everything to accomplish your objectives. Yet, maybe in particular, there’s few significant design decisions to be made that should be converted into a solid approach.


Whether you would decide for a set up redesign, another environment, or even not to pursue that decision by any means, SCOMGURU is here to take care of you. One of our professional SCOM experts will run a quick check on the ongoing version and health of your SCOM installation and underlying parts like Windows Server and SQL. A professional advice can be given based on the quick check performed on how to proceed forward.

Technical Health Check

As displayed in the above show, this choice can be however hazardous as it seems to be fulfilling. In any case, for very much planned SCOM environments that are as of late introduced and are sufficiently healthy, this choice will basically save you a great deal of time and show how it can be your companion.

Side by side Migration

Chances are your ongoing SCOM environment isn’t that new any longer, performing shoddy, at times crashes, or showing surprising behavior. In some cases a little effort is expected to in any case make it eligible for an in place upgrade however as a rule it’s ideal to play safe and indulge yourself with a brand new and completely healthy SCOM environment so you should rest assured that you will be ready for the years to come. Every migration plan in unique to make sure it matches your situation, the accompanying exercises give a good framework:

We will start to lead the pack in arranging and organizing your SCOM migration, and contingent upon your preparation, play out the expected advances to some degree or completely. Furthermore, assuming you feel that your SCOM administrator(s) would profit from learning more on the item, SOCMGURU is glad to arrange training alongside the migration.

Feel free to reach us out at for migration related queries and pricing.